Susan Lumiere
<note from Jay: Yes, “canidae”
is spelled correctly; I never heard it before, either>
Did you
know that there are two dogs and one cat who have been elected as mayors of
three US cities? Max Mueller, a Golden Retriever, was mayor of Idyllwild,
California; Duke Rick-Nelson, a Great Pyrenees, served four terms as mayor of
Cormorant Village, Minnesota; and Sweet Tart McKee, a long-haired Tortoiseshell
cat, is currently the mayor of Omena, Michigan. (A
feline AND a harlot, or tart!) Diablo Shapiro—a runaway from Texas, who almost
ran away with the election and is a Maltese Terrier—is vice mayor. (A canine
named after a Jewish devil! How did a nice Jewish dog from Texas end up in a
tiny midwestern town of 300?)
Hey, wait
a minute! Pete Buttigieg is a Maltese, too! We could
have had a canidae with Good Breeding as our leader
or even an educated THOREAUbred instead of an
underbred ROTweiler! By any measure, better a terrier
than a terror.
Cockapoo puppy Punkin Anderson-Harden is second
vice mayor of Omena (A hyphenated American AND a
mixed breed—double hyphenation.) Sweet Tart (named for two kinds of cherries)
defeated 13 dogs, a peacock, a chicken, a goat and another cat. She has a
council consisting of runners-up, including Harley Jones, a goat, as press
secretary and Penny Labriola, a chicken, as assistant
to the mayor.
Surely, no animal
could do more harm to his/her constituents than the human counterparts have
here are some political canidaes whom I would like to
see elected to office:
For Chief of
“Commands”: ROVER Cleveland
For Second in “Commands”:
For Presidential
Dwight D. EisenSCHNAUZER, General DOGlas
MacArthur, John SPITZgerald Kennedy, Bobby CANIDAE,
Calvin COLLIEdge, Joe BITEn,
SPANIEL Webster, Martin Van BULLDOG , George WOOFington
and RUFF Bader Ginsburg
For Foreign MINI-PINS:
AKITA Khrushchev, Haile SeLASSIE, Nikolae CHOWcescu, FIDO Castro, Papa DOG Duvalier, Eva PERROn, Peter the GREAT DANE, Anthony WIENER DOG, and Karl
to the
U N: DOG Hammarskjold,
Boris YELPsin, Vladimir POOCHin,
GOLDEN Meir, NeBARKadnezzar, Emperor CLAWdius, and BARKUS Aurelius
For Feline Affairs: CleoCATra, CATshepsut, MaCATma Gandhi, TABBYgail Adams, CATherine the Great, James GARFIELD the Cat, Mustapha Kemal
CATaturk and General John J. PERSIAN
For Chiefs of Desert
CAMEL Abdel Nasser, Hubert
HUMPhrey and Olaf PALMe.
For Secretary of Domestic
Pope Francis the Talking
MULE, Sir SWINEston Churchill, Lady ASStor, First Lady MULEania
Trump, RAM Emanuel and the Dalai LLAMA
For National Director of
Pest Control:
Pope Benedict XVI—Joseph Aloisius RATzinger
Assistant SecRATaries: MOLEania
VOLEodymyr Zelensky, Chairman MOUSE Tse Tung, and ANTcy Pelosi
For National Wildlife Managers:
Benito MOOSEolini,
BOARis Johnson, Justin TruDOE,
William F. BUCKley Jr, JACKALine
Kennedy Onassis, WOLF Blitzer, Gerald Rudolph (the Red-Nosed
REINDEER) Ford and Pope HIPPOlytus
For National Director of
Charles de GULL
For National Flight
Yitzhak ROBIN, John
JAY, King GOOSEtav III and Tammy DUCKworth
Please make
sure to go to your nearest dog park, cattery, stable, barnyard, forest or duck
pond and cast your vote. Our FURvival depends on you!